

✧ 評估轉介

✧ 到校支援學前康復服務 (OPRS)

✧ 第一層到校支援服務 (Tier 1)






  • 教學助理/教師特別為非華語學童設計學習活動和教材,以協助他們進行不同模式的學習活動,幫助拓寬社交經驗,協助他們融入社群。
  • 按個別非華語學童的學習情況/需要,提供個別或小組輔導。

Student Support

✧ Assessment and referral services

✧ On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)

✧ Tier 1 Support Services in Kindergartens

Senior special child care workers visit our school once per week to conduct class

observation and assessments, help students with special needs adapt to and fit into

the lessons and activities, and give teachers advice on teaching and counselling.

Educational psychologists also visit our school when necessary for observations,

assessments and offering us advice.

✧ School social work services

Assistance for Non-Chinese Speaking Students 

  • Our teaching assistants/ teachers design learning activities and materials tailored for non-Chinese speaking pupils to assist them in learning, socializing and integrating into the community.
  • Individual or group counselling services are provided for non-Chinese speaking

students who need help on their studies.