


2024-2025 學年 – 教育局核准的各級每月收費
班 級 全年月費期數 月費金額
學費 膳食費
學前班(N1):2-3歲 12 $3,362

符合資格的家庭,每月可扣減社署提供的 $1,000「家長津貼」

幼兒班(K1):3-4歲 12 $1,050 $420
低  班(K2):4-5歲 12 $1,050 $420
高  班(K3):5-6歲 12 $1,050 $420



學前班 (N1) 學生家長每月可獲社會福利署提供的 $1,000「家長津貼」作扣減學費之用 (不適用於已獲得月費全數減免或以綜援繳交月費之家庭)





Class Structure & Fees

All classes are full day class. Free charge of application. The registration fee of admission is $1,570.

2024-2025 School Year – Monthly fee approved by Education Bureau
Class Phases (Annual) Monthly Fee
School Fee Meal Charge
Pre-Nursery (N1)

2-3years old

12 $3,362

Eligible families can deduct the $1,000“Parents’ Subsidy” provided by SWD every month.

Nursery (K1)

3-4 years old

12 $1,050 $420
Lower KG (K2)

4-5 years old

12 $1,050 $420
Upper KG (K3)

5-6 years old

12 $1,050 $420



Parents of Pre-primary (N1) students are entitled to a monthly allowance of $1,000 (Parents’ Subsidy) provided by the Social Welfare Department for deduction of their monthly fees (not applicable to families who have received full reduction of monthly fees or paid monthly fees by CSSA).

Also, Kindergarten children of needy families who require financial assistance on top of the government subsidy under the KG scheme may apply to the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency for fee remission under the Kindergarten & Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme (KCFRS) https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/tc/sfo/index.htm. In addition, financial assistance to children who are receiving whole-day child care services in child care centres will also be provided under the KCFRS.

Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres
